Revenue & Expenses

A snapshot of our financial activity and fiscal responsibility.

Support & Revenue: $0

Operating Expenses: $0

Consolidated Financials: Total Assets

12/31/17 12/31/18
Cash and short term investments $9,688,908 $10,985,788
Accounts receivable $9,454,981 $8,965,628
Other current assets $960,344 $686,135
Builidng, land and equipment net $17,709,497 $17,124,246
Long-term investments $14,797,874 $16,587,697
Total assets $52,611,604 $54,349,494

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

12/31/17 12/31/18
Accounts payable and other liabilities $4,660,418 $5,889,308
Long-term capital bonding $12,085,524 $11,722,416
Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions $35,733,690 $36,683,340
Net assets with donor restrictions $131,972 $54,430
Total liabilities and net assets $52,611,604 $54,349,494


2225 West River Road North, Minneapolis, MN 55411
Tel: 612.800.6100 · Toll-Free: 1.888.536.6283 · Fax: 612.800.6331

LifeSource is a private, nonprofit organization and all charitable contributions are tax deductible.